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Title Initials
From Around The World |
Canadian and USA CGC Canine Good Citizen Certificate CH Champion (prefix) TD Therapy Dog TDI Therapy Dog International TT Temperment Tested by ATTS (or other official organizations) ROM Register of Merit Canadian and USA Obedience GMHR Grand Master Hunting Retriever (NAHRA) JH Junior Hunter (AKC) SH Senior Hunter (AKC) SR Started Retriever (NAHRA) MH Master Hunter (AKC) MHR Master Hunting Retriever (NAHRA) WR Working Retriever (NAHRA) Canadian and USA Field Trials AFC Amateur Field Champion CFC Canadian Field Champion CAFC Canadian Amateur Field Champion FC Field champion NFC National Field Champion, (prefix) Canadian and USA Agility AX Agility Excellent (AKC) MX Master Agility Excellent (AKC) NA Novice Agility (AKC) OA Open Agility (AKC) NAJ Novice Jumper With Weaves (AKC) OAJ Open Jumper With Weaves (AKC) AXJ Excellent Jumper With Weaves (AKC) MXJ Master Jumper With Weaves (AKC) U-AGI Agility I (UKC) U-AGII Agility II (UKC) U-ACH Agility Champion (UKC) U-ACHX Agility Champion Excellent (UKC) AD Agility Dog (USDAA) VAD Veteran Agility Dog (USDAA) VAAD Veteran Advanced Agility Dog (USDAA) VMAD Veteran Master Agility Dog (USDAA) VS Veterans Snooker VJ Veterans Jumper VG Veterans Gambler VPD Veteran Performance Dog AAD Advanced Agility Dog (USDAA) MAD Master Agility Dog (USDAA) SM Snooker Master (USDAA) GM Gambler Master (USDAA) PM Pairs Master (USDAA) JM Jumpers Master (USDAA) ADCH Agility Dog Champion (USDAA) ADC Agility Dog of Canada (AAC) AADC Advanced Agility Dog of Canada (AAC) MADC Master Agility Dog of Canada (AAC) O-, S- Outstanding, Superior Peformance, prefixed to any NADAC title NAC, NAC-V, NAC-JH Novice Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) OAC, OAC-V, OAC-JH Open Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) EAC, EAC-V, EAC-JH Elite Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) NGC, NGC-V, NCG-JH Novice Gamblers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) OGC, OGC-V, OCG-JH Open Gamblers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) EGC, EGC-V, ECG-JH Elite Gamblers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) NJC, NJC-V, NJC-JH Novice Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) OJC, OJC-V, OJC-JH Open Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) EJC, EJC-V, EJC-JH Elite Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC) NATCh Agility Trial Champion (NADAC) Canadian and USA Flyball
European Titles - 2 CACIB-certificates on a international dogshow in two differentcountries
given under two different judges
- the CAC-certificate on the national dogshow in Paris or on the French
- 4 CAC-certificates with at least 2 of them given on a international
dogshow under at least 3 different judges AUSTRIA - 4 CAC-certificates under at least 3 different judges; 3 of these CAC-certificates
have to be given at the dog engaged in "working" class BELGIUM - 2 CAC-certificates given under 2 different judges DENMARK - 3 CAC-certificates given under 3 different judges FINLAND - 3 CAC-certificates given under 3 different judges HUNGARY - 4 CAC-certificates on Hungarian dogshows The dog winning the "champions class" 3 times on a dogshow becomes the BkHCH-showtitle ITALY - 5 CAC-certificates given under at least 4 different judges for the
dog entered in "working" class LUXEMBURG - 2 CAC-certificates on the international dogshows in Luxemburg MONACO - 2 CAC-certificates on the international dogshow of Monaco NORWEGIA - 3 CAC-certificates given under 3 different judges and one of the CAC-certificates
has to be given on the "national winner"-dogshow THE NETHERLANDS - 4 CAC-certificates The CAC-certificates given on the clubshow or on
the "national winner" dogshow have the value of 2 certificates;
the Reserve-CAC-certificate on these shows has the value of one CAC-certificate
The Reserve-CAC-certificate on other shows has the value of 1/4 (0.25)
of a POLAND - 3 CAC-certificates given under 3 different judges PORTUGAL - 4 CAC-certificates given under 3 different judges at least and at least 1 one them has to be given on the "national winner"-dogshow at Lisboa SLOVENIA - 2 CAC-certificates given under 2 different judges SWEDEN - 2 CAC-certificates given under 2 different judges or - 2 CAC-certificates given under 2 different judges - a "first prize" in a "elite" or "champions"field
trial in Danmark or Norvegia OR SWITZERLAND - 3 CAC-certificates given by at least 2 different judges THE CZECH REPUBLIC - 2 CAC-certificates given under 2 different judges