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Dog Title Initials
From Around The World
Canadian and USA
CGC Canine Good Citizen Certificate
CH Champion (prefix)
TD Therapy Dog
TDI Therapy Dog International
TT Temperment Tested by ATTS (or other official organizations)
ROM Register of Merit

Canadian and USA Obedience
CD Companion Dog (AKC, CKC)
CDX Companion Dog Excellent (AKC, CKC)
CT Champion Tracker (a dog with a TD, TDX and VST) (AKC)
OTCh Obedience Trial Champion (prefix) (AKC, CKC)
TD Tracking Dog (AKC, CKC)
TDX Tracking Dog Excellent (AKC, CKC)
U-CD Companion Dog (prefix) (UKC)
U-CDX Companion Dog Excellent (prefix) (UKC)
U-UD Utility Dog (prefix) (UKC)
UD Utility Dog (AKC, CKC)
UDT Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog title (AKC)
UDTX Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog Excellent title (AKC)
UDX Utility Dog Excellent (AKC)
UDVST Utility Dog title with a Variable Surface Tracking title (AKC)
VST Variable Surface Tracking (AKC)

Canadian Hunt Tests
FDJ Field Dog Junior
FD Field Dog
FDX Field Dog Of Excellence

USA Hunt Tests
GMHR Grand Master Hunting Retriever (NAHRA)
JH Junior Hunter (AKC)
SH Senior Hunter (AKC)
SR Started Retriever (NAHRA)
MH Master Hunter (AKC)
MHR Master Hunting Retriever (NAHRA)
WR Working Retriever (NAHRA)

Canadian and USA Field Trials
AFC Amateur Field Champion
CFC Canadian Field Champion
CAFC Canadian Amateur Field Champion
FC Field champion
NFC National Field Champion, (prefix)

Canadian and USA Agility
AX Agility Excellent (AKC)
MX Master Agility Excellent (AKC)
NA Novice Agility (AKC)
OA Open Agility (AKC)
NAJ Novice Jumper With Weaves (AKC)
OAJ Open Jumper With Weaves (AKC)
AXJ Excellent Jumper With Weaves (AKC)
MXJ Master Jumper With Weaves (AKC)
U-AGI Agility I (UKC)
U-AGII Agility II (UKC)
U-ACH Agility Champion (UKC)
U-ACHX Agility Champion Excellent (UKC)
AD Agility Dog (USDAA)
VAD Veteran Agility Dog (USDAA)
VAAD Veteran Advanced Agility Dog (USDAA)
VMAD Veteran Master Agility Dog (USDAA)
VS Veterans Snooker
VJ Veterans Jumper
VG Veterans Gambler
VPD Veteran Performance Dog
AAD Advanced Agility Dog (USDAA)
MAD Master Agility Dog (USDAA)
SM Snooker Master (USDAA)
GM Gambler Master (USDAA)
PM Pairs Master (USDAA)
JM Jumpers Master (USDAA)
ADCH Agility Dog Champion (USDAA)
ADC Agility Dog of Canada (AAC)
AADC Advanced Agility Dog of Canada (AAC)
MADC Master Agility Dog of Canada (AAC)
O-, S- Outstanding, Superior Peformance, prefixed to any NADAC title
NAC, NAC-V, NAC-JH Novice Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
OAC, OAC-V, OAC-JH Open Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
EAC, EAC-V, EAC-JH Elite Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
NGC, NGC-V, NCG-JH Novice Gamblers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
OGC, OGC-V, OCG-JH Open Gamblers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
EGC, EGC-V, ECG-JH Elite Gamblers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
NJC, NJC-V, NJC-JH Novice Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
OJC, OJC-V, OJC-JH Open Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
EJC, EJC-V, EJC-JH Elite Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
NATCh Agility Trial Champion (NADAC)

Canadian and USA Flyball
FD Flyball Dog
FDX Flyball Dog Excellent
FDCh Flyball Dog Champion
FM Flyball Master
FMX Flyball Master Excellent
FMCh Flyball Master Champion
ONYX Award (named after first recipient) based on points earned
FGDCh Flyball Grand Champion


European Titles

CHIB (International FCI-Show Champion)

- 2 CACIB-certificates on a international dogshow in two differentcountries given under two different judges
- there has to be at least one year between the dates of these CACIB-certificates
- at least the qualification "good" on a field trial


- the CAC-certificate on the national dogshow in Paris or on the French clubshow
- two CAC-certificates, at least one of them has to be obtained on a international dogshow and at least one on a dogshow known as "special breedshow".
- at least the qualification "Very Good" on a field-trial or in the complete hunting tests a qualification "second category" The 3 CAC-certificates have to be given under 3 different judges within a delay of 2 years.


- 4 CAC-certificates with at least 2 of them given on a international dogshow under at least 3 different judges
- there has to be more than one year between the dates of the first and the fourth CAC-certificate


- 4 CAC-certificates under at least 3 different judges; 3 of these CAC-certificates have to be given at the dog engaged in "working" class
- there has to be more than one year between the dates of the first and the fourth CAC-certificate.


- 2 CAC-certificates given under 2 different judges
- at least a CQN on a field trial (CQN : certificate of natural hunting abilities, is given for a excellent run and point but the dog made a fault (was not steady at wing or shot, without this mistake he should have the "excellent" qualification)
- there has to be more than one year between the dates of the first and the second CAC-certificate.


- 3 CAC-certificates given under 3 different judges
- when the dog is already a showchampion in Norway or Sweden : one CAC-certificate is sufficient


- 3 CAC-certificates given under 3 different judges
- for the third CAC-certificate the dog has to be at least 2 years old
- a first or a second prize on a field trial


- 4 CAC-certificates on Hungarian dogshows
- a qualification on a field- and watertrial

The dog winning the "champions class" 3 times on a dogshow becomes the BkHCH-showtitle


- 5 CAC-certificates given under at least 4 different judges for the dog entered in "working" class
- at least one CAC-certificate has to be given on a "special breed"-show and at least 2 of them have to be given on international dogshows


- 2 CAC-certificates on the international dogshows in Luxemburg
- if the dog owns already a showtitle one CAC-certificate on a international dogshow in Luxemburg is sufficient


- 2 CAC-certificates on the international dogshow of Monaco


- 3 CAC-certificates given under 3 different judges and one of the CAC-certificates has to be given on the "national winner"-dogshow
- one qualification on a field trial
- if the dog is already Swedish or Danish showchampion one CAC-certificate in Norvegia is sufficient; although the condition about the 3 different judges is valuable


- 4 CAC-certificates The CAC-certificates given on the clubshow or on the "national winner" dogshow have the value of 2 certificates; the Reserve-CAC-certificate on these shows has the value of one CAC-certificate The Reserve-CAC-certificate on other shows has the value of 1/4 (0.25) of a
- the last CAC-certificate has to be given after the dog has at least 27 months


- 3 CAC-certificates given under 3 different judges
- one of these CAC-certificates has to be given on the "national winner"-dogshow


- 4 CAC-certificates given under 3 different judges at least and at least 1 one them has to be given on the "national winner"-dogshow at Lisboa


- 2 CAC-certificates given under 2 different judges
- at least one of the CAC-certificates has to be given for the dog enterred in "working" class
- there has to be at least one year between the dates of the 2 CAC-certificates


- 2 CAC-certificates given under 2 different judges
- for one of these CAC-certificates the dog has to be at least 24 months
- a "first prize" in a "open" field trial


- 2 CAC-certificates given under 2 different judges
- for one ot these CAC-certificates the dogs has to be at least 24 months

- a "first prize" in a "elite" or "champions"field trial in Danmark or Norvegia OR
- two "first prizes" in a "open" field trial in Danmark, Norvegia or Sweden


- 3 CAC-certificates given by at least 2 different judges
- 2 of these CAC-certificates have to be given on a international dogshow
- there has to be at least 12 months between the dates of the first and the third CAC-certificate


- 2 CAC-certificates given under 2 different judges
- at least one certificates has to be given on a international dogshow
- a qualification on a "hunting" test